Phoenix Motorcars’ advanced battery-electric, zero-emission sports utility truck, which is powered by lithium batteries, can travel at freeway speeds while carrying four passengers and a full payload.

Phoenix Motorcars with a 70 mile range pack are suitable for use by fleet operators. The company, which plans to begin production shortly for initial deliveries in late 2010, will offer an extended 100 mile range pack option for delivery in 2011.

Initial vehicles are planned to be included in various demonstration programs and fleet operations in various locations, including California.

Bryon Bliss, vice president of sales and marketing at Phoenix Motorcars, said: “Phoenix Motorcars is proud to introduce the first all-wheel drive electric pickup truck ready for fleet procurement.

“The FedFleet 2010 conference provides an ideal opportunity to debut our enhanced Sports Utility Truck. We will begin deliveries later this year.”