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The agreement was signed during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Uzbekistan.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan – During the state visit of the President of Russia to Uzbekistan, a protocol was signed between the two countries in the presence of the heads of state of Russia and Uzbekistan. The protocol amended the Intergovernmental Agreement on cooperation in the construction of a nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan, expanding the cooperation to include the construction of a small nuclear power plant based on a Russian project in Uzbekistan.

On the sidelines of the event, the Joint Stock Company “Atomstroyexport” (the Engineering Division of ROSATOM) and the State Unitary Enterprise “Directorate for the Construction of Nuclear Power Plants” under Uzatom, the Agency for Atomic Energy of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a contract for the construction of a small nuclear power plant (SNPP) in Uzbekistan.

The project involves the construction of a small nuclear power plant in the Jizzakh region of Uzbekistan based on a Russian design, with a total capacity of 330 MW (six reactors with a capacity of 55 MW each). ROSATOM will be the general contractor for the construction of the plant, and local companies will also be involved in the construction process.

“ROSATOM has confirmed its undisputed global leadership in nuclear energy by signing the first-ever export contract for the construction of a small nuclear power plant. This is not just a preliminary agreement; we are starting construction this summer,” commented the Director General of Rosatom Alexey Likhachev on the signing.

“According to forecasts, the demand for energy resources in Uzbekistan will almost double by 2050. It is evident that for the stable operation of the energy system and economic development, our country must ensure a base-load power source in addition to renewable energy sources. We are witnessing a global increase in interest in new nuclear projects, both in large-capacity power plants and small modular reactors. We believe that expanding cooperation with Rosatom will strengthen our energy sector with advanced nuclear energy technologies,” said the Director of Uzatom Azim Akhmedkhadjaev.

The chosen site has already been surveyed and confirmed for suitability and safety, which will significantly shorten the project implementation timeline. Construction work at the site will begin this summer.

Source: Company Press Release